Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Praying For Our Children

As parents, especially mothers, we often find ourselves wearing many different hats and filling many different roles. During the course of a typical day I, like most of you, usually play the part of short-order-cook, event planner, coach, referee, housekeeper, and now that summer is in full swing, lifeguard and dermatologist. (You should see some of the sunburns and mosquito bites I've treated this summer!)
Every role we play, and hat we wear, in our children's lives is equally important, except for one. This is the hat we pull on after our kids are in bed, dishes done and homework completed- the one we wear not for them, but on their behalf. It is the one we wear not with our children, or doing for our children, but when we hit our knees before God to pray for our children!
Our petitions for guidance, strength, safety, and blessings are more necessary and life-altering to our children than anything we could ever 'do' for them. This is so easy to lose sight of as we hurry through our days swamped with chores and tasks. And more often than not, these duties leave us completely exhausted at the end of the day with little, or no, energy to spare.
But don't hang up your hat yet! Take the time to wear the most important one of all, the one that will affect your child for eternity. Clear your head of stress and hit your knees! Taking the time to pray will ensure that all life's tasks go smoother for you and your family.
There is such an awesome peace in knowing that your worries and concerns for your children have been turned over to God. He is the ultimate protector and provider and the Bible tells us "those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength." (Isa. 40:31a)
So regardless of the number of hats you have already worn for the day, or the number of tasks you have accomplished, take the time to pray. It is the only way we can truly re-charge, allowing us to wake up again tomorrow and joyfully pull on the first hat of a great new day.

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